NSW Australian Christian Churches Indigenous Initiative is committed to building and strengthening your church & community by partnering with you to connect with your Indigenous community.
Strong relationships, strong culture, strong partnerships, strong communities.

To empower, endorse and promote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leaders and pastors.
To resource churches and leaders to effectively connect with Christ and each other to build the Australian church.
- Increase the number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) leaders and pastors.
- Train and equip Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leaders and pastors.
- Planting Indigenous lead churches.
- Indigenous advocates able to engage with non-indigenous churches and leaders.
- Raise awareness and create opportunities for partnerships.
- Promote inclusion, understanding and mutually respectful relationships in the ACC.
We’re here to help
Building awareness in your church and community through information exchange and cross-cultural events.
Opportunities to connect and partner with other leaders, churches and ministries, including new church plants.
Leadership Training
Specialised courses at training centres and bible colleges, aimed at raising up and training a new generation of leaders with a commitment to cultural ministry.
(More information on Leadership Development training)
Discover Aboriginal and Torres Strait Protocols: